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Active Learner
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eLearning Catalog

Active Learner

Compliance & Assurance

The process manufacturing industry faces unique learning and compliance requirements. Active Learner® is more than just a learning management system. It is specifically designed for the compliance-focus required of oil and gas companies, and provides the assurance they need.

Active Learner is one system to store and access courses, evaluations, documents, records, manuals, and procedures. Consolidating all training information into one system streamlines administration and allows companies to review and report on enterprise-wide training initiatives and identify individuals who have completed particular qualifications at a glance. On demand web access enables learners to develop competency by building core skills and knowledge needed on the job.

  • Curriculum Management
    Develop and manage job/role-specific course curriculum including pre-requisites, re-training, and alternate courses.
  • Records Management
    Plan, schedule, track, grade, and document with custom reports to keep management informed and supportive.
  • Compliance Management
    Automate compliance requirements and plant-specific mandates with comprehensive reporting. Learn about Analytics.
  • Content & Evaluation Authoring
    Create valid course content and evaluations quickly using proper instructional design methods using templates. More about Evaluation Center.
  • Multi-Language Support
    A multilingual learner interface is available in 12 languages including English, French, German, Spanish, Arabic, Russian, and Chinese.
  • AICC/SCORM Compliance
    Environment integrates seamlessly with existing LMS/ERP systems.

Active Learner

Active Learner Screens