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e-Learning Catalog

eLearning Catalog

New Hire / Entry Level e-Learning

The challenges of the oil and gas industry create changing workforce dynamics. Factors such as the Big Crew Change, unconventional plays, and development in new areas around the world make accelerating the time to competency of new technical professionals essential. Well-trained, competent employees are critical to operational excellence. New hires need to start contributing and performing more quickly to drive success.

The importance of successful onboarding is critical to business success and far too important to leave to chance. A well-designed learning program can generate a return on your investment and create lasting benefits by:

  • Accelerating time to productivity
  • Increasing employee retention
  • Expanding knowledge and understanding

Our e-Learning libraries contain over 600 learning programs with over 1400 hours of online training. Learners have anytime access to the secure, online environment.

  • Knowledge gaps and competencies are quickly identified and addressed with personal learning plans so that learners achieve 100% proficiency more quickly.
  • Programs can be customized with your site-, unit- and job-specific information such as procedures, operating parameters, pictures, and terminology.
  • Learners can earn Continuing Education Units (CEUs) for successful mastery of ePilot courses. Additionally, learners can earn Certificates of Achievement and hard hat decals for their hours of successful course completion.

Training new employees should not be left to chance. You cannot guarantee that a new hire has the skills or knowledge necessary to perform their job. You need a training assessment and a new hire training program to help your workers attain the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed. Contact us to discuss how our e-Learning libraries can help you create a more knowledgeable workforce that drives productivity, enhances performance, and significantly improves safety.

New Hires